‘Zoo Of Death’ In Surabaya Is A Nightmare For Animals (Updated 2024)
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The Surabaya Zoo is one of Indonesia’s oldest zoos as well as its largest, but it’s far from what you would imagine when you think of a modern zoo. In fact, the horrors that visitors are exposed to inside its gates make it literally a living nightmare.
It has now been the subject of a number of reports by animal rights advocates who have exposed its barbaric cruelty and lack of proper care for its animals. The animals at this zoo suffer from extreme lack of even basic medical care, not to mention their nutrition and living conditions.
Many have have come to call it the “zoo of death”, and if you think that’s a bit harsh, just wait until you see the photos below.
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What is the Zoo of Death
The Surabaya Zoo is a 37-acre (15 hectare) zoo located in the city of Surabaya in East Java, Indonesia. Its reputation was tarnished when it was revealed that many of the animals that called it home were dying due to extremely inadequate care or conditions. Many of its animals, including snow leopards, Komodo dragons, pythons, orangutans, tigers, and lions, were housed in cramped enclosures, deprived of proper diet and medical care, and subjected to extreme weather conditions (temperatures regularly rose above 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) in the zoo’s cages during summer months).
Unfortunately, animal welfare violations at Surabaya Zoo are not limited only to inadequate living conditions. Reports reveal that some animals have been victims of human-animal conflict; for example, two bears were killed after they escaped from their enclosure. Furthermore, visitors to the zoo have reported cases of animal cruelty, including trainers beating elephants with wooden sticks and throwing stones at tigers.
In addition to animal cruelty, the zoo also suffers from a lack of proper management and financial resources. Some animals reportedly have not been given any food or water for days on end due to budgetary constraints. Other reports reveal that the zoo is rife with unhygienic conditions – there are often piles of garbage and debris scattered around the enclosures, as well as pools of stagnant rainwater which can easily become breeding grounds for disease-causing bacteria.
These conditions and practices are completely inexcusable and should never be tolerated. Once word had gotten out, animal lovers worldwide rallied to shut down the zoo immediately in order to protect its animals.
Photos of Animal Welfare Atrocities at the Zoo of Death
It is alleged that 25 animals die every single month at the zoo from unnatural causes. After Kliwon, the zoo’s last remaining giraffe, had perished, an autopsy revealed a “beach-ball sized wad of plastic food wrappers” inside its stomach that weighed a shocking 40 pounds.
Living conditions at the zoo of death are so horrible, that its resident animals are simply wasting away. They’ve been emaciated for such a long period, that their bodies can no longer properly absorb the nutrition they need to survive. The animals that don’t simply starve to death are apparently typically euthanized due to health issues that are being left untreated.
And just when you thought this couldn’t get any worse, when the animals inevitably die, the zoo is rumored to ‘strip them for parts’, selling their organs into the illegal wildlife trade.
The Need for Better Animal Welfare Laws
It is obvious that the current laws and regulations in place for animal welfare are inadequate. In order to truly put an end to the suffering endured by animals at The Surabaya Zoo, stronger animal protection laws must be implemented across Indonesia. This would ensure that all zoos and other establishments housing animals provide them with proper care and adequate living conditions, as well as prevent any further occurrences of cruelty or neglect.
In addition, more stringent penalties should be put in place for those found guilty of committing acts of animal cruelty or neglect. It is only through such measures that we can send out a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated, thus deterring potential offenders from engaging in similar activities in the future.
Sign The Zoo of Death Petition: Take Action Now!
The Surabaya Zoo is an absolute abomination, and this kind of cruelty is simply heartbreaking. It is a prime example of what happens when animal welfare laws are ignored and animals suffer as a result. It is time for people to take a stand against this cruelty and show our support for the animals by taking action now.
If you live in or around Indonesia, then consider contacting your local officials to demand better animal protection laws be put in place. If you live elsewhere in the world, please sign the Change.org petition to “Shut Down Surabaya Zoo” today.
You can also donate money to animal welfare organizations, or volunteer at animal sanctuaries that provide refuge to rescued animals.
By working together to make sure all animals receive the respect and humane treatment they deserve, we can put an end to the zoo of death.
The Surabaya Zoo is a tragedy that must be stopped. Animal cruelty, inadequate management, and lack of resources are just some of the issues faced on a daily basis that cannot be overlooked any longer. It is time to take action now in order to protect animals from further suffering and ensure they receive the care and respect they deserve.
Let’s put an end to The Surabaya Zoo of Death once and for all!
The Zoo of Death: 2024 Update
As of 2024 the Surabaya Zoo, also known as the Zoo of Death, is still open.
Although one of the online petitions that called for the immediate closure of the Zoo had reached almost 900,000 signatures, the Indonesian government settled for simply making a few renovations and habitat improvements to the zoo.
If you’re outraged by this, please share this article with your friends and family to help spread the word. The more people who know that this horrible place is still open, the more hope there is that the zoo of death will eventually be shut down!