Deformed Cat Ignored By Everyone Rescued By A 7-Year-Old Girl
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When a deformed kitten was abandoned on the streets of Istanbul, Turkey, people passing by were too put off by her looks to stop and help. Starving and in pain, the entire city had seemingly written her off because of her appearance.
That is, until a 7-year-old girl found her.
The little girl brought the kitten to her father, and together they rushed her to an animal hospital. There, it was discovered that in addition to the prominent facial deformities, the kitten was also infested with mites.
The veterinarian set out on an ambitious plan to save her life. They needed a miracle, because the cat was in horrible shape.
This is indeed hard to look at, and most people chose not to. But not this girl!
She just couldn’t ignore this poor little kitten had clearly been through so much.
Slowly but surely, the medical team nursed her back to health and did everything in their power to surgically repair her roughest features.
…with her friend and rescuer at her side the entire time!
When she was finally out of danger, she was named Gülümser, which means “she who always smiles” in Turkish.
Thank goodness for happy endings.