Unusual Cats With The Most Unique Fur Markings In The World
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There is no question about it: cats are the undisputed kings of the internet. They are everywhere online, probably because they make everything cuter and funnier. Unlike dogs which vary drastically in shapes and sizes between breeds, cats are pretty much, well, cats. But occasionally, genes that are responsible for a cat’s fur pattern and color generate mutations that are unexpectedly beautiful and unique.
Here are the cats with the most unique fur markings and patterns we’ve ever seen.
1. Why so serious?
2. This cat also comes with a built-in mustache.
3. This kitty looks like she’s wearing cat ears.
4. This one is always worried… what’s wrong little guy?
5. Meet… Kitler.
6. The marking on this cat resembles a familiar shape.
7. So does this kitten’s fur.
8. Here is yet another lovecat.
9. Love, love, love this one.
10. Care Bear.
11. This kitty has grandma hair.
12. This kitten is very unique. Simply stunning.
13. This cat has a hypnotic swirly pattern on his fur.
14. Venus the two-faced cat is a chimera.
15. This cat always wears a mask.
16. This is not a raccoon!
17. This feisty feline bears close resemblance to a tiger.
18. Everywhere this cat goes, there’s a little monkey hugging him from behind!
19. Cat within a cat.
20. Look closely. Do you see the cat on this cat?
21. In case there is any confusion. this tiny tabby’s coat pattern spells out the word “cat” in her fur. This should come in handy if she ever decides to run away from home.
I wish I was as cool as these cats.
Share these photos with your friends, they’ll never expect to see these unique kitties.