Curly Haired Pigs Do Exist: Everything About The Mangalitsa Pig
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There’s an animal that even the most devout animal lovers probably don’t know about. It’s called the Mangalitsa, and it looks a lot like a sheep, but it’s really not a sheep. When you look closer you’ll realize… it’s really a pig!
A cross between 3 different breeds of pigs resulted in the Mangalitsa, one of the most unusual animals out there.
Curly Haired Pig
Chances are, most people who see the picture above might think they know what animal it is, but they would be wrong. Because while we would bet you’d think it’s a sheep, it’s actually a different curly animal entirely: a curly haired pig! Did you know these animals exist?
Well, they do. And they’re called Mangalitsa pigs.
The Mangalitsa Pig
The Mangalitsa is the fortunate result of a cross between three different pig breeds. And it has the dubious honor of being the fattiest pig in the world, with as much as 70% body fat.
Until around 1950, the Mangalitsa was the most popular pig in Hungary. But the decreased interest in fatty meats for health reasons resulted in a sharp decrease in breeding the Mangalitsa. By the ’70s they were almost extinct, with only about 200 remaining.
In 1994, the ‘Hungarian National Association of Mangalica Pig Breeders’ was established with the purpose of saving the breed. Since then, their population has increased dramatically, but they’re still pretty rare.
Of course, it’s a little bittersweet that this magnificent animal was saved from extinction by those who wished to continue using it for food.
Photos of Curly Haired Mangalitsa Pigs
The Mangalitsa is the only remaining pig in the world with a curly, sheep-like fleece. If you can’t get over how cute and fuzzy these pigs are, you’re not alone. I would certainly much rather hug one than eat it.
Don’t forget to share this magnificent animal with your friends!