Albino And Leucistic White Animals Are Extremely Rare And Incredibly Beautiful
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Since ancient times, light-hued animals—specifically those that suffer from albinism—have held a special place in human society. They’ve been featured prominently and are even considered sacred in many cultures’ unique mythologies. Because they’re so rare, and because white is a symbol of purity and cleanliness, it’s no surprise that they were largely regarded as “holy.”
In reality, rare genetic mutations that affect an animal’s melanin production are usually the reason it’s born lacking the normal coloration of its species. These animals can be true albinos, which lack all pigments and have white fur and reddish-pink eyes, or they can be leucistic, which are animals that have white or light-colored fur while still possessing some other pigments.
UPDATE: The response to our original article was so overwhelming, that we have decided to expand it – with even more unusually white animals. Enjoy!
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Albinism in Animals
Albinism is a condition that affects pigmentation, causing an animal to have lighter, sun-sensitive skin and fur than average. More specifically, albinism is a disorder that affects the production of the pigment melanin in animals, and can be exhibited in animals of all types (including humans).
These white animals are extremely rare in the wild, since their lack of camouflage colors makes them easy targets for predators.
True albino animals
Melanin is the pigment that gives skin, fur, and eyes their color. True albino animals lack melanin in their body, and as a result have white fur (or feathers), as well as reddish-pink eyes (the red color is due to tiny blood vessels showing through the eye). The results can be quite striking to behold.
Albino animals are usually just as healthy as “normal”, pigmented ones – with the one exception of likely suffering from vision problems.
Leucistic Animals
Leucistic animals suffer from only partial loss of pigmentation, and as such still possess some color. They can have almost entirely white or light-colored skin and fur, but usually have only patches or spots of white rather than a completely white appearance.
Leucism does not affect the pigment in the eyes, resulting in normally pigmented eyes rather than the reddish-pink colored eyes commonly associated with albinism.
Albinism in Dogs
In dogs, albinism is most often recognized by their white or very light-colored fur, pinkish skin, and reddish eyes. This is because, without melanin, the blood vessels in the eyes become visible through the tissues. It’s important to note that not all dogs with a white coat are albino, of course, as a white coat in dogs can be the result of a number of other genetic factors.
Health implications: Albino dogs may face various health challenges as a result of their genetic mutation. These can include:
- Vision problems: The lack of pigmentation in the eyes can cause light sensitivity, reduced visual acuity, and nystagmus (involuntary eye movement).
- Sun sensitivity: Albino dogs are at a higher risk of developing sunburns and skin cancer due to the absence of melanin, which provides some protection against harmful UV rays.
Photos of Albino and Leucistic White Animals
Albino and leucistic animals are extremely rare and can be practically impossible to find in the wild, as their color makes them extremely vulnerable to predators. When they are spotted, however, these colorless animals easily prove that you don’t have to have fancy colors to be stunningly beautiful.
Take a look at some of these usually white animals and see for yourself!
Albino Bison (aka “Buffalo”)
Albino or Leucistic White Wallaby
Albino or Leucistic White Skunk
Leucistic White Chimpanzee
Albino White Alligator
Leucistic White Sea Turtle
Albino or Leucistic White humpback Whale
Leucistic White Bat
Albino or Leucistic White Deer
Albino White Doberman Pinscher
Albino White Hedgehog
Leucistic White Kingfisher
Albino White Koala
Leucistic White Lion
Albino or Leucistic White Lobster
Albino White Moose Bull
Leucistic White Gentoo penguin
Albino White Raccoon
Leucistic White Cougar
This rare white cougar was photographed by a trail camera in southeastern Brazil’s Serra dos Órgãos National Park on July 5, 2013. It has not been seen since.
Leucistic White Rhino
Albino White Squirrel
Albino or Leucistic White Gorilla
Albino Dolphin (Pink Dolphin)
Albino Dingo
Leucistic White Tiger
Albino White Turkey Vulture
Albino White Asian Elephant (Pink Elephant)
Albino or Leucistic White Marlin
Albino White Peacock (Male)
Albino or Leucistic White Zebra
Albino or Leucistic White Reindeer (Male)
Albino or Leucistic White Wombar
Albino or Leucistic White Wild Turkey
Leucistic White Chipmunk
Albino or Leucistic White Hummingbird
Albino White Fox
Leucistic White Iguana
Albino or Leucistic White Sea Lion
Albino or Leucistic White Skunk
Albino or Leucistic White Barn Owl
Leucistic White Ostrich
Albino White Cobra
Albino White African Porcupine
Leucistic White Bobcat
Albino or Leucistic White Camel
Albino or Leucistic White Black Widow Spider
Leucistic White Atlantic Puffin
Leucistic White Giraffe
Albino or Leucistic White Hippo (Pink Hippo)
Albino White Frog
Albino or Leucistic White Chameleon
Leucistic White Serval
Albino or Leucistic White Stingray
Albino or Leucistic White Honey Badger
Albino or Leucistic White Killer Whale (White Orca)
Albino Grey Nurse Shark or Sandtiger Shark
Albino or Leucistic White Ladybug
Leucistic White Black Bear
Albino or Leucistic White Mole
Albino White Prairie Dog
Leucistic White Raccoon Dog
Albino or Leucistic White Prawn
Albino White Loris
Albino or Leucistic White River Otter
Albino White Opossum
Albino or Leucistic White Kiwi
Albino or Leucistic White Snail
Albino White Raven
Albino White Fly
Leucistic White Screech Owl
Albino or Leucistic White American Robin
Albino White Wildebeest
Albino or Leucistic White Beaver
Leucistic White Ringtail Lemur
Leucistic White Mandarin Ducks
Albino or Leucistic White Echidna
Leucistic White Cardinal
Albino or Leucistic White Tawny Frogmouth
Leucistic White Lioness
Each one of these white animals is beautiful in its own special way.
It’s hard to believe that some of these are real, but nature is always full of surprises!